I have always thought that the racist and homophobic policise of the BNP have been driven by fear and hatred rather than any political mandate. And I have always hoped that the laziness of the French voters a few year ago that allowed far Rght politician Le Pen to get some power would never be repeated in this country. Fortunatly that has been true and wins that they have had have been very small. But recently they took an unprecidented 11 seats a council elevetion. The man responsible for this is Richard Barnbrook, but his sucess does not seem to be running too smoothly. It has been brought to light that in 1989 he produced and directed an "erotic gay movie". Not the sort of thing that your normal gay hater does. It features a number of men, some dressed as sailors, groping, fondeling and stripping each other. Mr Barnbrook described HMS Discovery: A Love Story as being "about sexuality and not homosexuality". Strange, I thought as I read this comment - I have awalys found sex with men a very sexual experience. Nick Griffin (leader of the BNP) says he was made aware of the film some years ago by Mr Barnbrook and after watching two-thirds of it described it as "arty rubbish ... but not porn". Maybe all the porn was in the third he failed to watch ? It seems that BNP is being un-done by one of the things it hates the most.
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